Civic Engagement Report Spring 2023
Virginia Tech has chosen to measure two outcomes within the Reasoning in the Social Sciences area of the Pathways general education program for the assessment of civic engagement. These two outcomes were chosen based on their alignment with the concept of Civic Engagement.
Reasoning in the Social Sciences courses help students to understand that they are a small part of a larger global community and to engage with diverse individuals, groups, and ideas that have shaped or continue to shape the worlds they inhabit. (Students take two courses in this area of the curriculum.)
During the Spring 2023 semester, Virginia Tech offered 151 Pathways courses that included the Core Concept of Reasoning in the Social Sciences (RSS).

Outcomes Virginia Tech Measured this Reporting Cycle
- Analyze human behavior, social institutions, and/or patterns of culture using theories and methods of the social sciences.
- Identify interconnections among and differences between social institutions, groups, and individuals.
Virginia Tech's Target for this Reporting Cycle
At least 70% of students will be rated as meeting or exceeding competency in this area.
All undergraduate students are required to participate in the Pathways to General Education program. All courses approved for this area of general education will participate in the assessment process. All students will complete the required assessment developed by the faculty member teaching the course. Faculty develop their own assessment methodologies based on the content and structure of the course. All assessments must be direct measures of student learning. Some possibilities include: written assignments, multiple‐choice items, projects, case studies, and artistic creations. Faculty determine what is a below competent, competent, or above competent level of performance on each learning outcome. Rubrics have been developed to guide faculty in this process.
Data and Analysis